If you are driving south towards Freeport on SH 288 you will go past Dow Chemical and enter Freeport, we are located at the 3rd traffic light on the right. The physical address is 1101 Brazosport Blvd., which is SH 288.
If you are driving east towards Freeport on SH 36 you will go across the Brazos River Bridge and exit to the right onto SH 288 North. You will go about 1.0 mile to the 4th traffic light and we are on the left. We are 1 block north of the McDonald’s restaurant.
If you are driving south towards Freeport on FM 523 you will go through Oyster Creek and cross SH 332. You will continue south on FM 523 and veer to the right when you come to a fork in the road just before the railroad track. You will cross the railroad track and go to the next traffic light and turn right. Go down to the next traffic light at SH 288 intersection and turn right. We will be on the left side of the highway and you would turn into our parking lot at the next light. There is a large red & white lighted sign on the left. We are directly across the highway from IBC Bank.